ABBOTTOn Saturday evening from 9:30- 11:00 pm we’ll have dessert and drinks in the lobby but also downstairs. Premier sponsor, Abbott will host an open house in the Sassafras Room with Abbott Executive Leadership to announce their ABSORB product. Download Invitation On Sunday at 8:00-9:00 am Abbott has sponsored Dr. Nick West from the University of Cambridge delivering his session on: “Bioresorable Vascular Scaffolds in Current Day Practice: Latest Data and Optimal Implant Techniques.” |
BOSTON SCIENTIFICAlso hosting an open house during this time in the Tupelo room is Premier Sponsor Boston Scientific who will be showcasing their WATCHMAN Implant device. |
ROCKPOINTE #1Don’t forget to stay for our sponsored conference sessions: Rockpointe has two sessions, first on Saturday from 12:00-1:00 with Dr. Michael Miller from the University of Maryland on: “Managing Severe or Resistant Hypercholesterolemia: The Next Generation of LDL-C-Lowering Agents.” |
ROCKPOINTE #2Second Rockpointe session will be on Sunday at 11:00-12:00 with UCLA’s Dr. Karol Watson on: “Chronic Heart Failure: Expanding the Toolbox of Therapeutic Options.” |
PRIME EDUCATIONPRIME Education will also sponsor a post conference box-lunch session on Sunday from 12:00-1:00. Dr. Mangus Ohman from Duke University will discuss in a roundtable format: “Challenging Patient Populations with Stable Ischemic Heart Disease.” |